➊ 撕開 TEAR OPEN:請依掛耳包上箭頭標示方向撕開。Tear filter at the top along the dotted line.
➋ 拉開 PULL APART:將左右掛耳撐開掛於咖啡杯緣上。Grab tabs and pull apart to hook on the opposing edges of your cup.
➌ 沖泡 BREW:緩緩注入少量80°C-90°C熱水等待大約10-30秒(等待愈長則味道愈濃,反之則愈淡)再分次注水至150ml。Pour hot water of about 80°C-90°C slowly. Just wait about 10sec-30sec ( Longer time the taste will be stronger. ) Then pours into hot boiled water to 150ml.
➍ 依個人喜好調整浸泡時間(建議不要超過1分鐘),再將掛耳包取出,即可享用。Allow bag to stay in the cup for up to 1 minute and then discard.